
路劲隽芳华长者社区 | 设计鉴赏!|品茗|elderly

发布日期:2025-01-04 09:43    点击次数:137
清早上火车站The dawn ofthe train station长街黑暗无行人the dark street with no sign of pedestrian卖豆浆的小店冒着热气and the steam from the soy-milk stall从前的日色变得慢The nigh falls used to come late in the past车,马,邮件都慢Everything was slow, the bike, the horse, andthe post一生只够爱一个人a lifetime was all but enough to be in lovewith one《从前慢》-木心繁华喧嚣的“集市”热爱生活,才是人间最好的烟火气【路劲隽芳华养老服务热线:400 153 0352】【隽芳华养老服务顾问:188 1663 4698】长者社区会所,沉浸在宁静和岁月静好之中;芳华缱绻,火树银花,温暖的市集,驱逐“叹息老来交旧尽,睡来谁共午瓯茶”的寂寥,让长者尽情追寻内心的欢愉。Community club for the elderly, immersed in peace and tranquility of the years; The youth is deeply affectionate, the fire tree silver flower, the warm market, expel the loneliness of "sighing old to hand over the old, who sleeps to have lunch Ou tea", so that the elderly enjoy the pursuit of inner joy.随着人口老龄化加剧,老年人的养老问题正成为当前社会最为关注的问题。老有所依、老有所乐是每个人对于晚年生活的美好愿景,而现有的养老模式已然无法满足当下时代的需求。With the aging of the population, the problem of providing for the elderly is becoming the most concerned issue in the current society. It is everyone's beautiful vision for the old age, and the existing pension model has been unable to meet the needs of the current era.路劲·隽芳华养老公寓采用国际主流高端养老模式CCRC(Continuing Care Retirement Community)。Adopt the international mainstream high-end pension model of Continuing Care Retirement Community.结合东方文化与长者需求,打造乐活LOHAS(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability)康养体系,意为“健康可持续的生活方式”,用心筑造生命芳华的国际长者乐园。Combining Oriental culture with the needs of the elderly, we will build a lifestyle of Health and Sustainability system, meaning "healthy and sustainable lifestyle", and build an international elderly paradise with vigor and vitality.项目落址于千年文脉福祉小昆山,西晋文学家陆机、陆运之故里,文化底蕴深厚。设计通过提取的城市空间进行整合,以“集市”模式规划出养老核心区域,并根据对老人的心理、行为、作息以及爱好等特征出发,注入人文温度,打造承载社交学习、运动健身、文娱颐乐于一体的温馨场域。The project is located in Xiaokunshan, the hometown of Western Jin writers Lu Ji and Lu Yun, with profound cultural heritage. Through the integration of extracted urban space, the design plans the core area for the elderly in the mode of "market", and infuses humanistic temperature according to the characteristics of the elderly's psychology, behavior, work and rest, hobbies, etc., to create a warm field bearing social learning, sports and fitness, entertainment and happiness.根据对老人的心理特征,行为特征,作息习惯以及爱好的分析,热闹的环境是最能带给老人幸福感的方式之一。热闹,也是最直观的感受。According to the analysis of the psychological characteristics, behavioral characteristics, work and rest habits and hobbies of the elderly, a lively environment is one of the best ways to bring happiness to the elderly. Lively, but also the most intuitive feeling.孝子之养老也乐其心,不违其志,乐其耳目,安其寝处,以其饮食忠养之——曾子《礼记·内则》围绕长者高品质物资与丰富精神文化需求,芳华藏书院、品茗茶艺区、作品展示区、花艺工坊、集市餐饮区、缝纫俱乐部、咖啡休闲吧、理发SALON、解忧杂货铺、健身活动馆、休闲时光机等各模块区域,生动地讲述了一段关于人文之家的故事……Focusing on the high-quality materials and rich spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly, the Fanghua Tibetan Academy, the tea and tea art area, the works exhibition area, the flower art workshop, the market catering area, the sewing club, the coffee lounge, the barber SALON, the grocery store, the fitness activity hall, the leisure time machine and other module areas vividly tell a story about the humanistic home......芳华|藏书院笔墨寄闲情原木色书架长廊将人引入无穷的意境之中,正如莎士比亚曾说生活中没有书籍,便好像大地没有阳光。The wooden bookshelf corridor introduces people into the infinite artistic conception, just as Shakespeare once said that life without books, it is like the earth without sunshine.灯光交辉相应间,知识如同一束光照亮前行的路。无论是网上冲浪查阅资料,亦或是在书桌前遨游汪洋,阅读的时光总能让人的思绪归于平静,同时能让长者感受到时代资讯的最新浪潮。When the light turns bright, knowledge is like a beam of light illuminating the way forward. Whether it is surfing the Internet to consult information, or traveling in front of the desk, the time of reading can always make people's thoughts calm down, and at the same time can make the elderly feel the latest wave of information of The Times.品茗|茶艺区蕴东方之情隔板、木饰、玻璃等不同介质构成空间秩序与线条的起伏,并在轻盈与厚重的体量中达到微妙的平衡。茶香袅袅升起,一壶茶,一卷书,一幅笔墨,一段悠然过往,东方意境美学油然而生。休闲品茶、书法交流、聊天交友,多功能茶室从不同维度为长者们丰富了空间游逛体验。Different mediums such as partitions, wood ornaments, and glass constitute the order of the space and the undulation of the lines, and achieve a delicate balance in the light and heavy volume. Tea fragrance curling up, a pot of tea, a roll of books, a piece of ink, a leisurely past, the eastern artistic conception aesthetics arise spontaneously. Leisure tea, calligraphy exchanges, chat and friends, multi-functional teahouse from different dimensions for the elderly to enrich the space travel experience.闲聚|中央广场认真的生活真美丽走廊过道空间陈列展示着从珍贵相片再到艺术作品等来自长者的创作作品,廊腰缦回,记忆汹涌而来,让人仿佛穿梭回到那段值得回味、珍藏的岁月深处,收集起那份独特的美好。The corridor space displays the creative works from the elderly, from precious photos to art works. The corridor waist is overflowing back, and the memory is surging, making people feel as if they are shuttling back to the depths of those memorable and treasured years and collecting that unique beauty.从品茗茶艺区再到长者作品展示区,充满着书韵与茶香的生活展示了悠悠岁月中悠闲惬意的人居时光。沿着四溢花香,点点绿意漫步长廊之上,一幅充满生机的蓬勃画卷悄然展开。From the tea tasting area to the elderly works exhibition area, the life full of book rhyme and tea fragrance shows the leisurely and comfortable living time in the leisurely years. Along the flowery, green strolling corridor, a vigorous picture full of vitality quietly unfolded.花艺|工坊秋风有意弄花柔流畅的曲直线条于空间中交汇、变化,由植物与鲜花构筑极富感官体验的花艺工坊呈现在眼前。大幅落地窗与绿荫的掩映产生虚实相生、若影若现的效果,与外部形成有机整体。The smooth curved lines meet and change in the space, and the florist workshop with rich sensory experience constructed by plants and flowers is presented in front of us. The large floor-to-ceiling Windows and the shading of the green shade produce the effect of virtual and real, and form an organic whole with the outside.种子水培植物栽培,绿植养护认养,在文化的滋养下长者们插花品茶,感受从容优雅的生活韵律。另一方面,园艺疗法、植物疗法作为复健防病的疗养方式慰藉着居者的身心健康。Seed hydroponic plant cultivation, conservation and adoption of green plants, under the nourishment of culture, the elderly arrange flowers and taste tea, feel the calm and elegant rhythm of life. On the other hand, horticultural therapy, plant therapy as a way of rehabilitation and disease prevention convalestions comfort the physical and mental health of residents.集市|餐饮区一蔬一饭总关情整体以原木色为主基调,营造温暖舒适的用餐体验。一侧阳光透过偌大的落地窗照亮整个餐厅,为空间带来融融的暖意。不同规格的餐桌排放整齐,人们围绕相对而坐,蔬饭之间情意流淌。The overall tone is based on the original wood color, creating a warm and comfortable dining experience. One side of the sun shines through the large floor-to-ceiling Windows to illuminate the entire dining room, bringing a warm atmosphere to the space. Different specifications of the table discharge neat, people around the relative sitting, vegetables and rice between the love flowing.茶余饭后步出餐厅,感受着和煦暖阳,沏茶于案,举目远望窗台,犹如清坐林间赏落花。After dinner, walk out of the restaurant, feeling the warm warm sun, making tea in the case, looking up at the windowsill, just like sitting in the forest to enjoy the fallen flowers.缝纫|俱乐部藏在针线里的爱古人云:“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。”古往今来,爱在针线间一代代地传承。五彩缤纷的纱线,柔软光滑的面料,展陈的配件器物与缝纫机一应俱全,静谧的午后长者们化身“时装设计师”在此处裁制手工织物,为生活带来便利的同时让人不禁想起往昔的美好时光……Colorful yarns, soft and smooth fabrics, displayed accessories and sewing machines are available, and the quiet afternoon elders dressed as "fashion designers" cut handmade fabrics here, which brings convenience to life and reminds people of the good times of the past...咖啡|休闲吧香醇的TALK时刻咖啡吧延续自然格调,木饰面包裹着灰色墙体,在明暗变化中将空间进行巧妙分割,亦承载着会所中庭广场的各式日常服务。一杯香醇咖啡与烘焙蛋糕,两三好友相聚围坐,相谈甚欢间摒弃内心繁芜,瞻望万千世界。The coffee bar continues the natural style, the wood veneer wraps the grey walls, cleverly dividing the space in the change of light and dark, and also carries the various daily services of the club's atrium square.理发|SALON做时代的弄潮儿步入现代摩登的发廊,鲜明的色块对比形成强烈炫酷的空间感。地面采用白色马赛克,墙体以橘、蓝亮色与黑色形成明与暗的对峙,搭配人像摄影作品,让人不禁眼前一亮。The floor is made of white Mosaic, and the wall is made of orange, blue and black to form a confrontation between light and dark, which is matched with portrait photography works.解忧|杂货铺惜物的幸福生活观经受时光洗礼,带有斑驳肌理的原木记载着属于岁月的痕迹,空间以最自然质朴的方式呼应着自然。地板与木饰面协调统一,厨具、餐具、收纳、生活用品…陈列其中,解忧杂货铺不仅彰显着极简舒适的生活美学,同时也通过长者收藏的老物件传递“惜物”的幸福生活观。After the baptism of time, the logs with mottled texture record the traces of the years, and the space echoes the nature in the most natural and simple way.健身|活动馆尽情运动,安全无忧顶部采用不同材质将区域进行重新划分定义,黄白相间的休闲区与灰白系运动空间相隔对望。健身设施区采用防滑垫等安全防护设施,可预防老人受伤,同时采用环状运动、水疗运动、悬吊运动、普拉提瑜伽等多种适宜长者的运动方式,打造出规范科学的健身管理体系。乒乓球室则以另一种维度拓展健身的形式,为长者在其中结交好友、交流球技、举行友谊比赛提供了便利。Different materials are used on the top to redefine the area, and the yellow and white leisure area and the white and white sports space are facing each other. The fitness facility area adopts safety protection facilities such as non-slip MATS to prevent injuries to the elderly. At the same time, various exercise methods suitable for the elderly such as ring exercise, spa exercise, suspension exercise and pilates yoga are adopted to create a standardized and scientific fitness management system.休闲|时光机丰富的娱乐体验棋牌娱乐区通过玻璃移门将公共与封闭区域进行有序分割,集麻将、象棋、五子棋等棋盘为一体,同时设置包间配备全自动麻将桌,为不同需求的人提供多样选择的同时丰富娱乐活动。The public and closed areas are divided orderly through glass moving doors, and the chess board such as mahjong, chess and gooku is integrated. At the same time, the private rooms are equipped with automatic mahjong tables, providing diverse choices for people with different needs while enriching entertainment activities.温度是生活的要义,人生的每一阶段都应该向阳而生,温暖而行。路劲·隽芳华养老公寓,一座充满温度与情感的人文之家,用它独特的方式守护着岁月静好、美好人居。【路劲隽芳华养老服务热线:400 153 0352】【隽芳华养老服务顾问:188 1663 4698】

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